Monday, October 1, 2012

More updates

Well the car is coming along, started on the wiring up front. Both of my 9 prong 1967 flasher didn't work so I had to make my own. A little it larger but still fit in the same area and only cost me about $25 to make, a new one is about $65. Got my signals and lights working. Also put in my wiper motor and hooked it up. As I'm using new beetle door panels I need to come up with something inside where the door handle was to finish it off.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Seats and the start of the Headliner

Well it's been awhile since my last write up on here, last Sept I think.
I was able to hit up a pick n pull two weeks ago and found some good leather seats out of a Saab.
The drivers seat has power which I was able get all working. Of course I had to fab some brackets
 for the seat to hook up to. Next I moved to rear for the seat install and well the ones from the Saab just would not fit. So it was back to pick n pull to see what I could find. A newer Tiburon just came in with something that would work. The rear took a little more fab work because I wanted the 60/40 split on the seat to work so I can get to my Megasquirt box.
I had the weekend to start on the headliner which is always a fun job to do. This one piece kit is not the best I think for doing the choptop with the 56 rear section. But it is almost done and then I'll move onto sound deadening the floor and installing the carpet.

Friday, September 21, 2012


Well I thought I would add a little something to the gas tank. It took a few hours to mask and tape up the tank and after a few changes I was happy with it. I was going to try and do ghost flames but I got it a little lighter then I wanted for that. But all in all I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. Doing this on the rest of the car might be pretty nice but that will be another time.
Now I need to get the seal down that goes between the body and pan and then find four guys to give me a hand to set the body down on the pan and see how it looks with those huge rims.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Cutting Polish

Yesterday was spend wet sanding the whole car with a final sand of 2000. Then I moved on to the cutting polish. I was able to get the first round of polishing done and as you can see from the pictures it turned out pretty good. Through the week I'll try to polish the car once more to get a little more shine out of her. Maybe next weekend if I can get a few guys to help the body might go back on the pan.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Body painted and cleared

Well it's all painted and cleared. I ended up with a couple small runs in the clear that I've already taken care of. I think the color looks pretty good on the car, more so when the sun hits it as the pearl really stands out. Now it's on to wet sanding with 1500 and then a 2000 sandpaper. Then I'll use System 51 cut and polish which I've used before and it seems to work pretty good.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Painting and Clearing

I was able to get back in the garage for a few hours last night to paint and then again today to clear, everything but the body itself. As you can see from the top picture there's a pretty heavy mist in the garage spraying the clear coat. By the end I couldn't even breath out of my respirator anymore. With three coats of clear on it should be pretty good to give me something to work with for wet sanding. I had the gun set a little off so I do need to fix a couple runs in the clear, but I can live with that. All that's left is the body and it will be a couple of weeks now before I can finish that with all the other stuff going on around here now.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Painting has started

Well my paint and clear came in so I thought I would start with a few of the little things and see how it looks. It sprays pretty good on the parts I did shoot and all parts in the pictures were painted and not clear coated yet. In the sun they look really good. I did get all these items cleared but ended up re shooting the tank again because I was shooting late at night and when I opened the door a little I ended up with a few tiny flys in it, not a happy camper!

Friday, August 3, 2012

All primed

Well I got the car all primed tonight. For the most part it looks pretty good. I see a few spots around the door that need to be touched up but other then that it will be a weekend of wet sanding.

Primer started

Yesterday I was able to start spraying my 2K primer. All the little parts plus the back side of the hood, deck lid and the back part of the door where the hinge attaches. I put the doors back on and I'll spray the rest of the car today if the weather warms up a bit and it stops raining. I ordered my paint and it should be here mid week so I'll make sure I'm ready for paint and clear next weekend.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Almost ready for primer

It's been a busy couple days on the car trying to get it all ready to primer by next weekend. I finished the doors and reworked the roof as it had a few spots I wasn't really happy with. My good friend Dustin came over for a bit to lend a hand on some of the sanding, and even my wife Tammie and my little girl Indy helped out. Gone over the fenders and fixed a few dents that were in them. Pretty much all that's left is a few welds to grind down in the back area, sand the gas tank and to clean up the rear apron a little.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

More Door Work

Well it was back to the doors. With the top of the passenger tack welded on I mover over to do the drivers side. I ended up trimming more of the door top due to the shabby work from the last owner. With everything tack welded I pulled the doors off filled in the gaps and welded everything . I was able to grind all the welds down on one of the doors and started to glass over some of the welded areas.