Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Flames all buffed, plus new parts.

 Well I got my flames painted sanded and buffed and I think they turned out pretty good. Maybe I should do some more!
I also had some mail come in, some CB Performance throttle bodies, FI rails and  fuel injected manifolds. Plus a kit from Coolingmist which is a methanol and water injection systems-In a piston engine, the initial injection of water cools the fuel-air mixture significantly which increases its density and hence the amount of mixture that enters the cylinder. The water (if in small liquid droplets) may absorb heat (and lower the pressure) as the charge is compressed, thus reducing compression work. An additional effect comes later during combustion when the water absorbs large amounts of heat as it vaporizes, reducing peak temperature and resultant formation, and reducing the amount of heat energy absorbed into the cylinder walls. This also converts part of combustion energy from the form of heat to the form of pressure. As the water droplets vaporize by absorbing heat, they turn to high pressure steam. The alcohol in the mixture burns, but is also much more resistant to detonation than gasoline. The net result is a higher octane charge that will support very high compression ratios or significant forced induction pressures before onset of detonation.
So in short more HP and a cooler engine.

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